Pipe Tobacco
Our master tobacconist has over twenty-five years experience designing blended tobaccos for pipe smokers in the Tampa-Bay area. Our skill and knowledge of fine tobaccos have combined to produce a widely diversified assortment of outstanding blends of superior pipe mixtures. Every member of our staff is thoroughly versed in the art of pipe smoking and tobacco blending and will be happy to help you choose just the right blend for you. Our existing blends are listed below. We would be more than happy to modify an existing blend to create a new, more personal blend for one of our customers. In addition to our own blends of pipe tobacco, we also carry a variety of tinned tobaccos such as:
- Balkan Sasiene
- Bengal Slices
- Cornell & Diehl
- Krumble Kake
- Dunhill
- Erinmore
- Escudo
- GL Pease
- 4th Generation by Erik Stokkebye
- John Cotton
- Mac Baren
Erinmore Orlik
- Plum Pudding
- Peterson
- Samuel Gawith
- Sutliff Private Stock
We ask that you call us at 727.259.CIGR and speak with one of our knowledgeable tobacconists. You can order any of the tobaccos we carry in our store directly from our mail order department.
Scroll down through this page to learn more about our tobaccos.
Click each thumbnail for a larger image!
Characterized by their use of Virginia or Turkish tobaccos as their base. When married with other exotic tobaccos, such as Orientals, matured Virginias, perique or latakia, they display intriguing characteristics and flavors unique unto themselves.
Watson's Delight: A skillful blend of rich latakia, Virginia ribbon, perique and a touch of the choicest Turkish for flavor. All combine to produce a very full-bodied, cool and memorable smoke. Elementary!
- Balkan 15:
This black and gold blend delivers the pungent richness of fine Cyprian latakia in a confluence of flu-cured Virginias and two different Turkish tobaccos.
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A long-time American favorite, these blends are characterized by their use of granular burley as their base. Burley tobaccos are known for their slow-burning and cool smoking. The blending and flavor variation possibilities are endless!
Easy Times: Rough-cut aged burley with hints of black Cavendish and perique combine in this harmonious natural blend.
Old Dominion: For cool-burning and overall smoking pleasure, this blend of rough cut and cube-cut burleys along with bright Virginias can't be beat. This combination produces a purely natural, rich flavor complemented by it's easy- burning characteristics.
Blackberry Brandy:blended in Denmark by MacBaren. Air-cured burleys combined with flue-cured Virginias lightly caws with fruit and brandy floavors.
Jamaican Rum: A combination of two American burleys, a touch of black Cavendish and finished with a light island rum-raisin casing.
Highlander: You won't go astray with this rich, full-bodied yet delightful blend of cubed and white Kentucky burleys.
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Cavendish (Aromatic) Blends
While originally referring to the cut of the tobacco, Cavendish has become synonymous with aromatic tobaccos. These mild blends are ideal for the new or novice smoker.
Black and Tan: Rich, full black Cavendish blended with just the right amount of vanilla, cocoa and a sprinkling of Virginia flake.The result is a very smooth and mild blend with a rich taste and aroma. Very popular with the ladies and often referred to as the "Marriage Saver" !
10 Blend: Our top-secret and best-selling recipe of aromatics and subtle vanilla flavorings blended to the exacting requirements of the owner and Master Blender here at MJM.
Cordial: This true cherry flavored blend has an aroma and flavor you won't believe! It's extremely mild on the tongue but packed full of that cherry taste.
After Eight: This extremely rich blend is a unique combination of spicy black Cavendish and golden Virginias complimented by exotic fruit notes. Guaranteed to please!
Barbary Coast: This aromatic is a blend of long and short cut black flu-cured Cavendish finished with a delightful peach extract that makes this blend come alive.
Bay Breeze: An outstanding combination of the finest quality black Cavendish and golden Virginia perfectly balanced for pure smoking pleasure. Guaranteed to delight the discerning smoker.

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JM Cubed, Inc. 2023. All Rights Reserved.